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eCDOP Module - Case Action Feature

The Case Action feature ensures a level of accountability, enabling users to not only learn from cases but implement and monitor the progress of actions. Ultimately, this feature works towards improving outcomes and offering greater insight in order to reduce child mortality.


See our promo video and read more about the features within this new module below.

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Go one step further and start implementing, tracking and evaluating actions as a team in order to improve processes and work towards reducing child mortality.


  • Users can assign actions to themselves, other users and their team as a result of topics discussed in Rapid Reviews, CDRM and Panel meetings

  • The new module facilitates action tracking, to ensure the team are on the right track and tasks set against cases are being completed, ultimately making a difference with the lessons learnt

  • A chase alert notifies users when an action is required of them 3 days prior to the deadline, and again one day past the deadline date




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