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Supporting early interventions with children and families


The Holistix Early Help system enables multi-agency collaboration across health and social care services, designed to support interventions with families. A clear holistic view of each individual person provides a more comprehensive understanding of all factors involved within a case.

The Early Help system has been built to ease the sharing of real-time information between multi-agency services. This approach has been introduced as a result of the inability for services to gain a full understanding of all circumstances, due to information being collected individually. Knowledge can now be shared by all practitioners with case involvement, ultimately improving the learning outcomes and enabling the overall improvement of child safeguarding, giving children from a young age a better quality of life and providing the best support to families.

Features Overview

Below is a brief overview of some of the Early Help features:

  • An easy to navigate, intuitive system including a user-friendly interface, compatibility across multiple devices and localised forms, which can be amended to mirror any changes in processes

  • Case summary provides a comprehensive view detailing all the information recorded by multi-agency services

  • Deriving learning is made a much more efficient process due to the collaboration between multi-agencies providing real-time data

  • Document storage provides one centralised location for all relevant information, accessible to all practitioners with case involvement

  • Flexibility within the system allows it to be adapted to local work flows easing the transition

  • Assessment, Delivery Plan and Review, and Action Plan documents are integrated within the system to support children, young people and their families to focus on desired outcomes with the help of multi-agencies. This document being accessible to all multi-agencies involved eradicates the need for children and families to tell their story more than once

  • Reportable, real-time data is stored in the system enabling multi-agency services to derive learning, and facilitating local analysis

  • Secure and GDPR compliant with two-factor authentication code, no sensitive data leaving the system, auditing logs and security roles that ensure information is only seen by those with granted access permissions

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To receive full information on the Early Help system, or to arrange a demonstration, fill out the contact form below.

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