Predictive modelling, trend analysis and advanced reporting of complex data
The Discovery system is an extension of the Data Hub system in our Mass Data Management suite, developed to conduct data profiling. Organisations looking to target services where they are most needed, and intervene as early as possible to reduce costs, need to know where to look. This secure, online portal allows users to set threshold profiles which automatically generate ‘perspective’ views.
Organisations may look at targeting a work stream, such as improving school attendance, with families who have met certain criteria, such as the below:
More than 3 children under the age of 11
Where attendance was on average below 80%
Where crime or anti-social behaviour had been reported within the previous 12 months
Where there had been more than 3 A&E attendances in the previous 4 months
A service user can use Discovery to search for certain criteria, and the system will query the data from the Data Hub and match the records against the above criteria. This will subsequently provide a cleansed and processed table/list of records that have met these attributes.
Once this information is available, early intervention approaches can be designed to meet the needs of an individual/family, and decisions can be made on how to best allow supportive target intervention to start.
This system can be used for a wide range of applications, such as predictive modelling for gang culture, county lines, attendance, violence, and lots more.
Features Overview
Below is a brief overview of some of the Discovery features:
Easy to navigate and intuitive system which is simple to interpret and enables a quick search facility, saving administration time of having to refer back to a vast amount of paper documents and other electronic records
Search facility linked to Data Hub enables the user to have a reliable and continuously updated data source to retrieve information from
Multi-agency collaboration is encouraged within the system; upon receiving the list of identified families that meet the threshold, local services are able to determine which services the family require and how to allocate the early intervention
Data profiling portal supports predictive modelling by identifying risk factors and patterns, e.g. searching criteria of characteristics that are prevalent in gang activity can result in early intervention that can make a significant difference to a family
Service demand activity by area and team can be searched within the Discovery system. This gives a clear idea of where demand is high, and can be used for comparison year on year
Reporting suite and interactive dashboards are available, including heat maps to help monitor emerging trends and patterns
Secure and GDPR compliant with two-factor authentication code, no sensitive data leaving the system, and various security roles in place to ensure information is only seen by those with granted access permissions