C Card
Condom registration and distribution scheme
The condom distribution scheme was introduced by the government on a national scale to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and help prevent unplanned pregnancies in younger people. The national scheme improves the health services provided to younger people, specifically in relation to their sexual health and contraceptive services.
The QES C Card system has been built to support the national scheme, and provide local authorities with a means to record the data of new and reactivated registrations, and monitor the number of distributions by ward/district/area. The system can be used to manage registrations of a young person, ensuring consent and guidance is recorded, and distribution management is logged against a person and site. Issue point users, such as staff at doctors’ surgeries or pharmacies can use the system to keep track of their organisation’s stock levels, distribution patterns and the latest advice and guidance available to young people.
As an addition to the system itself, there is also the option to access an app to compliment the system when away from the office. Staff users can scan barcodes on a young person’s C Card to identify individuals that are registered via the app, subsequently enabling the distribution of condoms when on the go. They can also register or reactivate a young person’s C Card via the app, and access advice and guidance for the young person. The app can be used offline (without internet connection), which will then synchronise with the C Card system when internet connection is resumed. This mobile app can facilitate pop up distribution issue points, e.g. stalls at university fayres.
Features Overview
Below is a brief overview of some of the C Card features:
An easy to navigate, intuitive system with a user-friendly interface. The system is compatible across multiple devices, accessible 24/7 and contains a number of helpful resources to support advice and guidance
Registration and reactivation are facilitated within the system via a one-page form to gather relevant detail on the person, this form begins with mandatory fields on gaining consent from the individual, whilst ensuring confidentiality
Additional forms ensure health and safeguarding is at the forefront of the scheme. Mandatory and optional forms include drug and alcohol assessments, chlamydia screening, and discussion surrounding consent and sexual abuse data collection
Fraser Guidelines are integrated within the system to ensure those under 16 are offered the best support and guidance, this is a mandatory step for those under the age of consent to ensure they are fully aware of their health and safeguarding circumstances
Issue points can be activated and deactivated, stock levels are managed by location/issue point and a record of previous distribution is stored for reference, and to monitor patterns
Online and offline app enables users to set up registration and distribution points in other areas, i.e. pop up stall. All data stored in the app automatically synchronises to the main system to ensure records are up to date and accurate
Interactive dashboard and reporting suite provides an insight into issue point activity, as well as individual service user activity displayed visually in a heat map. Customised reports can be generated by users to conduct further analysis locally or regionally
Secure and GDPR compliant with two-factor authentication code, no sensitive data leaving the system, and various security roles in place to ensure information is only seen by those with granted access permissions